Before we know your sales volume, your plan for promotion and import license s conditions, it is rather difficult for us to consider your proposal. 在知道贵司销售额、推广计划和进口许可前,我们兑现你的提议是很困难的。
Since 2006 the report has published data for most of the world's countries on the total number of days it takes to start a business, get a construction permit, register a property, pay taxes, get an export or import license and enforce a contract. 从2006年起,《全球营商环境报告》便开始发布在全球大多数国家开办企业、获得建筑许可、注册资产、缴纳税款、获得进口和出口许可证以及执行合同分别所需花费的天数数据。
Subject to import license 2. MARKETABLE DISCHARGE PERMITS 需取得进口许可证的交易二、可出售的排放许可证
The state implements the administration of import license for import limited goods. 国家对限制进口的货物实行进口许可证管理。
Offer subject to export/ import license 以获得出口(进口)许可证为准的报价
The import business operators shall present the automatic import license issued by the foreign trade department of the State Council or the relevant economic administrative departments of the State Council to the customs offices for handling the formalities of customs declaration. 进口经营者凭国务院外经贸主管部门或者国务院有关经济管理部门发放的自动进口许可证明,向海关办理报关验放手续。
The importer should obtain an import license from the Ministry of Industry and Trade ( MOIT) prior to shipping. 进口商需在进口前取得由工业部和贸易部(MOIT)核发之进口许可证。
For the specific names and codes of the merchandises, please refer to the Catalogue of Goods Subject to Automatic Import License. 具体商品名称及商品编码见《货物自动进口许可商品目录》。
The State shall apply the import license administration to the export goods under quantity restriction and other restrictions. 国家对有数量限制和其他限制的出口货物实行进口许可证管理。
An import license shall be issued within the period of validity as prescribed by the documents of approval of the administrative department of import. 进口许可证应当在进口管理部门批准文件规定的有效期内签发。
There be no question about our get the import license for these article. 我们取得这些商品的进口许可证是不成问题的。
The buyers'failure to obtain the relative Import License is not to be treated as Force Majeure. 买方未能获得相对的进口许可证是不能被视为不可抗力。
If Automatic Import License is lost, the consignees should report the loss of it to license issuing administrations and the customs of the import port indicated in the license. 《自动进口许可证》如有遗失,收货人应当立即向原发证机构以及自动进口许可证证面注明的进口口岸地海关书面报告挂失。
Import license that has not been used or has not been used up may be handled extension formalities in the license-issuing organs after the readjustment in accordance with regulations. 有效期内未使用或者未全部使用的进口许可证,按规定到调整后的发证机构办理延期手续。
"A lot a license" means that the same the Automatic Import License must not be used for customs declaration for different lots of goods. “一批一证”指:同一份《自动进口许可证》不得分批次累计报关使用。
To carry out the entry verification for the civil commodities subject to import license system, and the exit verification for export and transit commodities. 负责实施国家实行进口许可制度的民用商品的入境验证;负责出口、转口商品的有关出境验证。
Thailand and other countries import license. 泰国等国家的进口许可证。
If it causes a harmful consequence, a warning is given to the applicant or Automatic Import License suspends to be issued according to the influence. 如造成不良后果,视其影响予以警告直至暂停发放其《自动进口许可证》。
Please apply for the necessary import license and inform us of the licensing position. 请即申请必要的进口许可证并及时告知许可证的审批情况。
The "one license for one customs house" shall mean that an import license may only be declared at one customs house; “一证一关”指进口许可证只能在一个海关报关;
Customs shall transact declaration and passing-the-customs procedures for imported iron ore on the basis of Automatic Import License issued by License Institutions of Ministry of Commerce. 海关凭商务部门发证机构签发的《自动进口许可证》办理进口铁矿砂的报关验放手续。
Copy of import license and customs declaration for the same product ( s) in the last transaction. 上批同类产品进口许可证、报关单复印件,并退回因故未进口的许可证文件。
The customs carries out declaration formalities by Automatic Import License with an affixed special seal for automatic import license. 海关凭加盖自动进口许可证专用章的《自动进口许可证》办理验放手续。
To enable us to apply for the import license required, we shall like you to airmail your program invoice in triplicate. 为方便本公司申请进口许可证,务请贵方以航空邮件寄来一式三份估价单。
Management Rules of Goods Import License ( MOFTEC Decree No.22,2001) distributed by former Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation are abolished at the same time. 原对外贸易经济合作部印发的《货物进口许可证管理办法》(对外贸易经济合作部令2001年第22号)同时废止。
Specific used mechanical and electronic products are subject to import license administration. 重点旧机电产品进口实行进口许可证管理。
Agreement on Import License Procedures 进口许可证程序协定
All the iron ore import enterprises shall transact Automatic Import License in line with Management Measures on Cargo Automatic Import License and relevant rules. 凡铁矿砂进口企业,须按《货物自动进口许可管理办法》和有关规定,办理自动进口许可手续。
The license issuing administrations shall cancel the Automatic Import License surrendered by the consignees. 发证机构对收货人交回的《自动进口许可证》予以撤销。
Please advise us immediately after you have obtained the necessary import license. 你公司得到所需进口许可证后,请立即通知我们。